Universal Energy

The first law of thermodynamics says that energy cannot be created or destroyed by only changes form. Now we look at the physical world around us and we look at the trees, the sun.

The sun is radiating energy down to us. That sun warms us. It lands on the leaves of plants. Plants take it in. The plants are also pulling up nutrients from the ground below. They are using the energy from above and the nutrients from below. They produce food for us, food for other creatures. The creatures are eaten by other creatures. Somewhere in the line the creatures may also become food for us.

We are consuming the energy from the sun, the nutrients from the earth. That energy is now part of us. We are that energy.

How will we use this energy?

What feeds your joy?

What feeds your heart?

When we are living in what feeds us we will be able to blossom. We will support and nourish others just by being.

This cycles of energy continues and continues. However, the plant, our bodies they do not continue endlessly. They are finite. We will die one day. We have lost others. There will be births and joy. There will be death and loss. This cycle will continue if we continue to nourish the cycle.

Breathe. Remember the sun and the plants. Remember those who came before us. Those who shared their energies with the world. That energy stays with us. Those words, experiences, lessons; they stay with us. And we will stay with others, when we share our energy.

The laws of nature will not change, but we can change the way we view our world, the way we act or react.

Tomorrow is a new day.

Be grateful.

Use your energy well. Take care of yourself. Take care of beings beyond yourself. Check in with others. Check in with yourself.


I morphed this meditation into a guided meditation video, if you are interested. Meditation on Universal Energy


When I sit and breathe, I sit with just one thought: everything is impermanent. My mind often goes to the negative: everyone I love will die, everything I enjoy will disappear. These thoughts bring up an anxiety, a frustration that I cannot stop this. I want to control things, I want to hold onto precious moments and make them last. However, a shift in perspective brings relief: I fear losing loved ones because I have so many loved ones, I fear not having my joyful activities because I have so much in life that I do enjoy.

Yes, change will happen and people we love will die. We will do what we can to nurture each other and keep each other healthy, but we cannot stop nature. What we can do is be fully present in the moment. We can learn and share with those we love in each moment and carry that energy forward. Check in with those that matter. Engage yourself in activities that bring you joy. Share that joy with others.

Impermanence also means that pain will pass, that hard times will pass, that there will be togetherness again. We must stay mindful so that as we fill our days, we are sure to fill them with what really fills us.

Yes moments will move on and so don’t miss this moment, this opportunity to love.