
Be positive. This is often given to us as a solution to the emotional stress we all feel at times. Yes feel positive but how you get there is pivotal. Are you just going through the motions or do you generally feel positive? How do you break the negative cycles?

I have been in a state low enough that at times I felt like I needed to just “go through the motions”, force myself to get up, shower, go for a walk, write down things I am grateful for even when there is so much more I am worried about. So yes, I do believe there is a time when we need to push ourselves to see the positive in our lives and our world. But yes, we also need to allow time to think about the thing that bring us pain. You might ask, “But why? What is the purpose of giving time to negativity?” Empathy.

Empathy is the reason we need to be aware of our own struggles. We need to feel our own pain. “People can only meet you, as deeply as they’ve met themselves.” (Matt Kahn) Others may have said it also but this is where I heard it and I find it rings true in my life. When I do better being in touch with my own emotions: joy, delight, and pain, then I find that I can respond more effectively to those around me.

I also know that by addressing my own pain, I am healing those wounds and living in a healthier state for myself and for those around me. Knowing I’ve given time to the wounds, allows me to more fully embrace the joy. It allows me to see the pain in perspective and appreciate the gifts I have gained as I move beyond that pain.

Sometimes we need to dive deep into ourselves, our pain and then we do need to remember to come back to the surface and enjoy the sunshine. As we learn this dance of diving and resurfacing, we can begin to show it to others.

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Educator, Advocate I value my family I was born into, my chosen family, great friends and a supportive community. I am grateful to stay curious and open to my purpose and passions. I hope everyone can find that for themselves. These are things that make us truly content with our lives.

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