
When you focus your energy on the loving beings around you, that love returns infinitely. When we focus our energy on material objects, it cannot respond and we are left feeling empty.

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These daily meditations are daily reminders for myself that I want to share with others. This is not me talking from a place of perfection but reporting as I am practicing and learning to live lovingly and compassionately not only to others but first to myself. Notice above that I said to focus on the loving beings. It is important that we create boundaries for ourselves from others who demand our energy, our love without returning in kind. That can be in personal but also working relationships. If you want your work to be fulfilling, then it must be filled with people who truly value your happiness and health as well.

When I say loving beings, that doesn’t restrict it to our human friends, family or partners. My cat, Mr. Bridges, brings me much joy and companionship. I also love taking care of plants in my house and in my yard. Sitting among these green plants knowing I helped nurture them into their state of growth is lovely. Although full disclosure, I don’t exactly have a green thumb. That is where compassion to my self is important. It also reminds me to keep cultivating awareness to nurture the connections around me that do bring me joy. I must be more aware of when the plant is a bit wilted or the soil too dry.

I must do the same in my relationships with my friends, family and my partner. Have I nurtured that relationship lately? What would feel good for us both? Maybe a simple text or short phone call to say “hello, how are you?” A gesture of gratitude for that relationship, that connection.